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What is this Hackathon about?

Participants are to develop and showcase Micro:bit innovations that could support societies in managing / tackling a pandemic.

Covid-19 has rocked the world in a way that no other global event has done before. In one fell swoop, a virus has managed to impact countless lives around the world. Many lives have been lost, others have been badly affected. No one has been left unaffected by Covid-19.

More than ever before, innovation and creativity needs to take centre stage to come up with solutions to problems that have never been seen before. This is so that people can live their lives confidently, without fear.

Fully embracing the spirit of Covid-ence, the Hackathon organizing committee has decided to role-model our competition theme and take our Hackathon fully online. Participants will get to immerse themselves in the Hackathon experience remotely. This will be made possible via virtual platforms such as video conferencing tools and online tutorials. Furthermore, all the components needed for participants to start their projects will be mailed to their respective schools to minimize contact.

All this will not only protect our participants by maintaining social distancing, it will allow us to save time without shortchanging our participants’ learning.


Timeline of Events

12 April 2021
Deadline for Registration

Registration is closed and and the Hackathon Kits are being prepared to be sent to participating schools.

by 22 April 2021
Receive Micro:bit

Respective schools will receive the micro:bit and components needed for participants to start their project.

22 April 2021 (onwards)
Training for Participants (optional)

A series of three training videos on Micro:bit coding and the Hackathon will be released online for viewing on 22 April 2021 and will be available from 22 April till the end of the Hackathon.

7 May 2021
Technical Consultation (optional)

Our team of highly qualified instructors will be available online to support teams who may need help in their coding and any other Hackathon-related matters.

14 May 2021
Preliminary Round

Participants are to submit a video and screenshot of the coding of their prototype.

Click here to see more details

19 May 2021
Announcement of Finalists

Click here to see more details.

5 August 2021 Postponed due to SMM
Hackathon Finale

Click here to see more details.

13 August 2021 Postponed due to SMM
Announcement of Results

Click here to see more details

September 2021 Postponed due to SMM
Receive Certificates and Trophies

More details will be given at a later date.

September 2021 Postponed due to SMM
Return of Micro:bit sets

More details will be given at a later date.

Kick Start!

Training for Participants

A series of three pre-recorded training videos on Micro:bit coding and the Hackathon will be released online for viewing on 22 April 2021 and will be available from 22 April till the end of the Hackathon. Each school team will be provided with a Micro:bit basic kit and the training sessions will require the students to explore the functions of Micro:bit. Participating schools may decide if they want to conduct the training in a face to face setting (in teacher’s presence in school) or allow students to watch videos from home.

In these lessons, we aim to help participants

** Though this training is optional, participants are highly encouraged to view the pre-recorded training videos.

Training Videos

Watch Lesson Videos

1. Introduction to Hackathon & Hardware

2. Understand & using External Sensors

3. Project Brainstorm & Prototyping

4. Using Crafting Materials

5. Your Hackathon Kit

6. Training Guide

Download the Training Guide PDF

Meet the Experts

Technical Consultation

Our team of highly qualified instructors will be available online to support teams who may need help in their coding. Each session will last up to 60 minutes only to ensure competition fairness and integrity.

Consultations will be done via video-conferencing on Zoom.

Deadline for Technical Consultation Registering: 5th May 2021, 6:00pm


07 May 2021 (Friday)


3.00PM to 5.00PM

Slot 1: 3.00PM to 4.00PM
Slot 2: 4.00PM to 5.00PM


Schools are to indicate only one preferred time slot. Time slots will be based on availability. Details of time slot and Zoom link will be emailed to the teachers individually.

Participants are to ensure that their video camera is switched on and to be properly attired in their school uniform during the consultation session.

Technical Consultation Registration Closed.

    Technical Consultation Booking

    Choose your preferred slot and book for Technical Consultation now!

    Preferred Timeslot:

      Technical Consultation Booking

      Choose your preferred slot and book for Technical Consultation now!


      Preferred Timeslot:


      Preliminary Round

      Participants are to submit a video and screenshot of the coding of their prototype.

      Points will be awarded based on the following criteria:



      Creativity & originality of concept solution



      Effectiveness of concept solution

      Technical criteria


      Reflection of understanding in Coding

      Requirements for the video:

      • Have clear audio and video quality
      • Should not capture students’ faces in compliance to PDPA
      • Should not be more than 3 minutes long
      • Should be in a commonly used video format (e.g. *.mp4, *.mov, *.avi, etc)

      Requirements for the screenshot of the coding:

      • Must be in *.jpg format
      • Must be clear and readable

      Do note that teams may be penalised if they do not follow the requirements.

      Participants can submit their videos at any point in time. The top 10 teams will enter the finals.

      All decisions by the judging panel will be final.

      The link for the submission has already been sent to you via email.
      Deadline: 14 May 2021, 6.00 PM
      And the Winner is..

      Hackathon Finale 2021

      Enquire with us


      If you have enquiries or require other assistance on this event, please contact the following:

      1. Mrs Jaslyn Ang at 65009580 (ext 253) or via email (chan_huaihui_jaslyn@schools.gov.sg)
      2. Mr Harrick Tu at 65009580 (ext 235) or via email (tu_harrick_iskandar@schools.gov.sg)
      3. Mr Koh Chong Peng at 65009580 (ext 287) or via email (koh_chong_peng@schools.gov.sg)
